Materiel Planning Definition -
materiel planning
1.) A subset of logistic planning consisting of the four-step process of: a. requirements definition. Requirements for significant items are calculated at item-level detail to support sustainability planning and analysis. b. apportionment. Items are apportioned to the combatant commanders based on a global scenario to avoid sourcing of items to multiple theaters. c. sourcing. Sourcing is the matching of available capabilities on a given date against item requirements to support sustainability analysis and the identification of locations to support transportation planning. d. documentation. Sourced item requirements are translated into movement requirements and documented in the Joint Operation Planning and Execution System database for transportation feasibility analysis.
In the United States, military vocabulary is standardized by the Department of Defence. These terms are used by the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps.
Term Classification: logistics
Department of Defence, Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
Term sourced from JP 4-09: Distribution Operations, updated December 2013
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This term is marked as active and was last updated in 2015
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