Health Service Support Definition -
health service support
1.) All services performed, provided, or arranged to promote, improve, conserve, or restore the mental or physical well-being of personnel, which include, but are not limited to, the management of health services resources, such as manpower, monies, and facilities; preventive and curative health measures; evacuation of the wounded, injured, or sick; selection of the medically fit and disposition of the medically unfit; blood management; medical supply, equipment, and maintenance thereof; combat and operational stress control; and medical, dental, veterinary, laboratory, optometric, nutrition therapy, and medical intelligence services.
See Also:
- also called HSS
In the United States, military vocabulary is standardized by the Department of Defence. These terms are used by the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps.
Term Classification: logistics
Department of Defence, Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
Term sourced from JP 4-02: Health Service Support, updated July 2012
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This term is marked as active and was last updated in 2015
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