Military Acronyms and Definitions -

offset costs

Costs for which funds have been appropriated that may not be incurred as a result of a contingency operation.

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carrier strike group

A standing naval task group consisting of a carrier, embarked air wing, surface combatants, and submarines as assigned in direct support, operating in mutual support with the task of destroying hostile submarine, surface, and air forces within the group's assigned operational area and striking at targets along hostile shore lines or projecting power inland.

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Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement

An agreement that provides the Department of Defense with assured access to United States flag assets, both vessel capacity and intermodal systems, to meet Department of Defense contingency requirements.

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schedule of fire

Groups of fires or series of fires fired in a definite sequence according to a definite program. The time of starting the schedule may be on call. For identification purposes, schedules may be referred to by a code name or other designation.

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Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System

The sensitive compartmented information portion of the Defense Information Systems Network, which incorporates advanced networking technologies that permit point-to-point or multipoint information exchange involving voice, text, graphics, data, and video teleconferencing.

View Other Definitions is a searchable online resource of military terms and military acronyms as defined by the United States Department of Deference's latest Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.

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